Movie 1.

ISLV growth in a wild type embryo. Confocal time-lapse imaging from 60 to 70 hpf of the trunk of a lyve1b:DsRed; kdrl:EGFP embryo displaying lymphatics (white) and blood vessels (green). Yellow arrowhead indicates the ISLV tip. Time-lapse image z-stacks were collected 15 minutes apart; movie was made at 6 frames per second. Stills from movie displayed in Fig. 2. Scale bar = 50 μm.

Plexin D1 negatively regulates zebrafish lymphatic development

Denver D. Britto, Jia He, June P. Misa, Wenxuan Chen, Purvi M. Kakadia, Lin Grimm, Caitlin D. Herbert, Kathryn E. Crosier, Philip S. Crosier, Stefan K. Bohlander, Benjamin M. Hogan, Christopher J. Hall, Jesús Torres-Vázquez, and Jonathan W. Astin

Development 2022. 149:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.200560