Movie 1.

Rapid and active ingrowth of the lyve1b+kdrl-iLVs from peri-injured area into the central area from 1.5 dpt. The Tg(kdrl:DenNTR; lyve1b:DsRed) double transgenic line was used for the time-lapse image (n=13/13). The lyve1b+ lymphatic vessels quickly and directionally ingrow into the injured parenchyma. Duration of imaging was 850 minutes. Dorsal view. Scale bar, 50 μm.

Brain vascular damage-induced lymphatic ingrowth is directed by Cxcl12b/Cxcr4a

Jingying Chen, Jianbo He, and Lingfei Luo

Development 2022. 149:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.200729