Movie 3.

Aggregate dynamics in 2D co-cultures vs. monocultures. Brightfield timelapse optoWnt/WT co-culture (left) and optoWnt monoculture (right) under optogenetic stimulation. Magenta arrows highlight aggregates that display collective movement and aggregate fusion. Time after onset of illumination indicated. Scale bar 250 μm.

Optogenetic control of Wnt signaling models cell-intrinsic embryogenic patterning using 2D human pluripotent stem cell culture

Nicole A. Repina, Hunter J. Johnson, Xiaoping Bao, Joshua A. Zimmermann, David A. Joy, Shirley Z. Bi, Ravi S. Kane, and David V. Schaffer

Development 2023. 150:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.201386