Movie 2.

Smad6 mutant embryonic liver has disorganized vascular tree lacking some large vessels. 3D rotational view of light-sheet microscopy on whole E16.5 Smad6iΔ/iΔ liver stained for Lyve-1 (magenta) and αSMA (cyan). Gamma was increased to 1.5 to visualize αSMA staining on peripheral branches. Scale bar, 800μm.

Endothelial cell SMAD6 balances Alk1 function to regulate adherens junctions and hepatic vascular development

Molly R. Kulikauskas, Morgan Oatley, Tianji Yu, Ziqing Liu, Lauren Matsumura, Elise Kidder, Dana Ruter, and Victoria L. Bautch

Development 2023. 150:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.201811