Movie 3.

Cell Cycling Visualized with pcnamGFP Zebrafish. A 12 hour timelapse (4 frames per hour) of a spinal cord acquired immediately after spinal cord injury directly anterior to the lesion. GFAP:H2A-mCherry+ and GFAP:H2A-mCherrycells can be observed increasing expression of PCNA-mGFP in the center of the frame, which precedes mitosis in a manner described in Fig. 5. The grey channel represents PCNA-mGFP and the red channel represents GFAP:H2A-mCherry. The video frame is oriented with the dorsal side at the top of the frame and the anterior side at the left of the frame.

In toto imaging of glial JNK signaling during larval zebrafish spinal cord regeneration

Clayton J. Becker, Valentina Cigliola, Pierre Gillotay, Ashley Rich, Alessandro De Simone, Yanchao Han, Stefano Di Talia, and Kenneth D. Poss

Development 2023. 150:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.202076