Movie 12.

Explant of the Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing model creates circular waves with excitable behavior. Simulated explant obtained from the middle part of the tail in the Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing model (Fig. 5M). The simulation recapitulates the circular Notch signaling waves that propagate from the center of the colony towards the periphery observed in experiments (Lauschke et al., 2013). Simulated Wnt (u) and Notch (v) signaling are shown side-by-side. The virtual explant is generated by making a radial projection of average values along the anterior-posterior axis for the middle part of the tail with cells in an excitable regime (k1 = 2.3) that generate circular wave patterns due to two spiral centers that rotate in opposite directions. This type of pattern depends on initial conditions and arise in 37 % (11/30) of simulations (Fig. S31).