The Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing (CWS) model recapitulates somitogenesis patterning behavior. Somitogenesis simulations of the novel Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing model implemented within the Sevilletor framework (Fig. 4K). Left: wild type simulation. Modulations promoted by R (k1), Wnt (u) and Notch (v) signaling are shown side-by-side. The virtual tail grows with a constant speed by addition of a line of cells at the bottom (posterior). The posterior side (bottom) has k1 = 1 that promotes out of phase oscillations of Wnt and Notch. The anterior side (top) is in a bistable behavior that forms somites with k1 = 4. In the middle part of the tail, intermediate values of k1 = 2.3 promote in-phase oscillations of Wnt and Notch that propagate in the form of waves due to an excitable behavior, showed in the simulation by an overlapping region of high Wnt and Notch that moves anteriorly before freezing. Right: Simulation with 5% multiplicative noise added to phase values (u, v) and 0.5% multiplicative noise to parameters (k1, k3, k4). The excitable behavior and the independence from a frequency gradient makes the model robust to noise.