Movie 4.

Representative recordings of cellular migration in B1 line. Migration tracks of individual cells were recorded by marking the position of the nucleus in individual frames. Colored lines indicate positions of individual cells during the duration of migration assay. From the migration pattern in B1, we encountered mixed patterns of cellular migration: apart from linear trajectory, these NPCs also demonstrated back-and-forth as well as circular motions. Images for migration of B1 was captured with 4x objective.

Abnormalities in the migration of neural precursor cells in familial bipolar disorder

Salil K. Sukumaran, Pradip Paul, Vishwesha Guttal, Bharath Holla, Alekhya Vemula, Harsimar Bhatt, Piyush Bisht, Kezia Mathew, Ravi K. Nadella, Anu Mary Varghese, Vijayalakshmi Kalyan, Meera Purushottam, Sanjeev Jain, ADBS Consortium, Reeteka Sud, and Biju Viswanath

Disease Models and Mechanisms 2022. 15:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dmm.049526