Movie 1

Live visualization of CsA-treated CHO cells co-expressing Opn SP-RFP-PrP (transiently) that efficiently enters the ER and ΔSP-YFP-PrP (stably) stays entirely cytosolic. The movie shows that cytosolic PrP (yellow) molecules do not accumulate in existing aggresomes (red, arrow). Corresponding figure, 2A.

PrP-containing aggresomes are cytosolic components of an ER quality control mechanism

Tatyana Dubnikov, Tziona Ben-Gedalya, Robert Reiner, Dominic Hoepfner, Wayne A. Cabral, Joan C. Marini, and Ehud Cohen

J Cell Sci 2016. 129:3635-3647; doi: 10.1242/jcs.186981