Movie 4

Effect of depletion of Sec6 or Exo70 on WRC recruitment and cell edge velocity. Representative confocal spinning-disk movies of HEK-HT cells, expressing Cherry-Abi1, treated with siControl, siExo70 or siSec6. Duration time: 2.5 min (1 frame/2 s).

Direct interaction between exocyst and Wave complexes promotes cell protrusions and motility

Marco Biondini, Amel Sadou-Dubourgnoux, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Giulia Zago, Melis D. Arslanhan, François Waharte, Etienne Formstecher, Maud Hertzog, Jinchao Yu, Raphael Guerois, Alexis Gautreau, Giorgio Scita, Jacques Camonis, and Maria Carla Parrini

J Cell Sci 2016. 129:3756-3769; doi: 10.1242/jcs.187336