Movie 5

Movies 1-3 correspond to Figure 2 and Movies 4-5 correspond to Figure 3D. Maximum intensity z-projection for mEGFP-mCDK5RAP2 (green), H2B-mCherry (red) and SiR-tubulin (blue) is shown. Bright field is one confocal section selected from the area of the nucleus and the 1st polar body.

Haspin kinase regulates microtubule-organizing center clustering and stability through Aurora kinase C in mouse oocytes

Ahmed Z. Balboula, Alexandra L. Nguyen, Amanda S. Gentilello, Suzanne M. Quartuccio, David Drutovic, Petr Solc, and Karen Schindler

J Cell Sci 2016. 129:3648-3660; doi: 10.1242/jcs.189340