Movie S1

Yeast cells exhibiting the BRCA1 aggregate are blocked in G1. NUP133-GFP cells expressing BRCA1-mCherry were pre-stimulated with galactose for 4 hours, spread on a slide covered with an agarose pad containing galactose and immobilized with a coverslip. Then, galactose stimulation was monitored by fluorescent videomicroscopy for 6 more hours. Movies were analyzed by spotting isolated cells at the beginning of the record, called “mother cells” and by measuring different parameters of these mother cells.

Yeast cells reveal the misfolding and the cellular mislocalization of the human BRCA1 protein

Pierre Thouvenot, Lou Fourrière, Elodie Dardillac, Barbara Ben Yamin, Aurianne Lescure, Vincent Lejour, Xavier Heiligenstein, Jean-Baptiste Boulé, Maryse Romao, Graça Raposo-Benedetti, Bernard S. Lopez, Alain Nicolas, and Gaël A. Millot

J Cell Sci 2016. 129:4366-4378; doi: 10.1242/jcs.192880