Movie S2
Dynamics of LAT-Apple and LifeAct-Neon during T cell spreading. A representative TIRF movie of a Jurkat T cell showing LAT microcluster and actin dynamics. A Jurkat T cell expressing both LAT-Apple and LifeAct-Neon to visualize actin was plated onto a stimulatory coverslip and allowed to spread. LAT microclusters are present in the first frame but these clusters are not visible in later frames. The beginning of retraction produces some actin spikes at the periphery of the cell that are visible in the final frames. TIRF images were captured every 5 seconds. The movie is shown at 25X real time.
Development of nanoscale structure in LAT-based signaling complexes
J Cell Sci 2016. 129:4548-4562; doi: 10.1242/jcs.194886