Movie 9

Fluorescent videomicroscopy of KAP-GFP in flagella of fla3-1b ift57-1::KAP-GFP.
In Movie 1-3, scale bars represent 100μm.
Movie 4-7 were recorded at 600 fps and replayed at 12 fps; the speed was slowed down 50 times. Scale bars represent 10 μm.

IFT57 stabilizes the assembled intraflagellar transport complex and mediates transport of motility-related flagellar cargo

Xue Jiang, Daniel Hernandez, Catherine Hernandez, Zhaolan Ding, Beiyan Nan, Karl Aufderheide, and Hongmin Qin

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:879-891; doi: 10.1242/jcs.199117