Movie S1

A sequence of short movie clips showing first rastering through tomographic volume slices followed by rotations of rendered volume features for the Mic19-APEX2 labled mitochondrion shown in fig. 5b. Clips: 1. Quick rastering through the slices of the tomographic volume showing the Mic19-APEX2 positive domains. 2. Surface-rendered volume showing the cristae through the translucent OMM. 3. Surface-rendered Mic19 positive domains (green) inside the cristae made a translucent blue. 4. Surface-rendered Mic19 positive domains showing a network in the IMS (magenta) against the background of the IBM (cyan). 5. Surfacerendered Mic19 positive domains at the 3 CJs. 6. The full surface-rendered Mic19 positive domains ending with a view superimposed on a slice through the middle of the tomographic volume.

Sub-mitochondrial localization of the genetic-tagged mitochondrial intermembrane space-bridging components Mic19, Mic60 and Sam50

Mira Sastri, Manjula Darshi, Mason Mackey, Ranjan Ramachandra, Saeyeon Ju, Sebastien Phan, Stephen Adams, Kathryn Stein, Christopher R. Douglas, Jiwan John Kim, Mark H. Ellisman, Susan S. Taylor, and Guy A. Perkins

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:3248-3260; doi: 10.1242/jcs.201400