Supplementary Movie 2

Time lapse of Ire1-mCherry clustering following 2mM DTT treatment over two hours in iron repletion (Low iron SD + 7μm FeCl3 +2mM DTT) or iron depletion conditions (Low iron SD +2mM DTT) and their control (Low iron SD + 3.5μm FeCl3 +2mM DTT) (iron concentrations identical to regular SD).

Iron affects Ire1 clustering propensity and the amplitude of endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling

Nir Cohen, Michal Breker, Anush Bakunts, Kristina Pesek, Ainara Chas, Josepmaria Argemí, Andrea Orsi, Lihi Gal, Silvia Chuartzman, Yoav Wigelman, Felix Jonas, Peter Walter, Robert Ernst, Tomás Aragón, Eelco van Anken, and Maya Schuldiner

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:3222-3233; doi: 10.1242/jcs.201715