Movie 2

Related to Fig. 2A. Live-cell movie of magnified views of phagosome formation in Movie 1
This movie shows that the extending phagocytic cup deforms the IgG-E into a vertically elongated shape, suggesting that a contractile force acts on the IgG-E in the cup. The time elapsed after the first frame is shown (min:s). Scale bar: 5 μm.

Rac1 switching at the right time and location is essential for Fcγ receptor-mediated phagosome formation

Yuka Ikeda, Katsuhisa Kawai, Akira Ikawa, Kyoko Kawamoto, Youhei Egami, and Nobukazu Araki

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:2530-2540; doi: 10.1242/jcs.201749