Movie 2

Retrograde axonal transport vesicles containing TAG-1-GFP and Caspr2-mcherry at the AIS region.
A neuron co-transfected at DIV7 with TAG-1-GFP and Caspr2-mcherry. Axonal transport visualized 16 h after transfection using two-channel overlay recording. Streamed time-lapse images were acquired with 40 frames per 60 s for 450 s. Movie is played at 5.3 frames per second.

The Kv1-associated molecules TAG-1 and Caspr2 are selectively targeted to the axon initial segment in hippocampal neurons

Delphine Pinatel, Bruno Hivert, Margaux Saint-Martin, Nelly Noraz, Maria Savvaki, Domna Karagogeos, and Catherine Faivre-Sarrailh

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:2209-2220; doi: 10.1242/jcs.202267