Movie 1

2-dimensional lateral migration live-cell imaging using widefield microscopy. Live cell imaging of wild type U2OS cells on the left and PAWS1-/- U2OS cells on the right as indicated. Upon removal of the wound barrier, cells were allowed to migrate onto the gap for 16 hours. Images were acquired at 40X magnification every 5 minutes continuously.

PAWS1 controls cytoskeletal dynamics and cell migration through association with the SH3 adaptor CD2AP

Timothy D. Cummins, Kevin Z. L. Wu, Polyxeni Bozatzi, Kevin S. Dingwell, Thomas J. Macartney, Nicola T. Wood, Joby Varghese, Robert Gourlay, David G. Campbell, Alan Prescott, Eric Griffis, James C. Smith, and Gopal P. Sapkota

J Cell Sci 2018. 131:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.202390