Movie 2

Live cell time-lapse fluorescence microscopy video of PAWS1-/- U2OS cells transfected with mApple-LifeAct (actin tracker) and GFP to visualize live cell actin dynamics. Images were acquired every 2 minutes over the course of a 25-minute time frame using a 60X magnification. The indicated areas exemplify lack of membrane ruffles. Scale bars are 20 μm.

PAWS1 controls cytoskeletal dynamics and cell migration through association with the SH3 adaptor CD2AP

Timothy D. Cummins, Kevin Z. L. Wu, Polyxeni Bozatzi, Kevin S. Dingwell, Thomas J. Macartney, Nicola T. Wood, Joby Varghese, Robert Gourlay, David G. Campbell, Alan Prescott, Eric Griffis, James C. Smith, and Gopal P. Sapkota

J Cell Sci 2018. 131:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.202390