Movie 5

Analysis of focal adhesion dynamics in PAWS1-/- U2OS cells using TIRF microscopy. PAWS1-/- U2OS cells were transfected with RFP-zyxin (red) and Emerald-LifeAct (green) to measure changes in focal adhesions over a time course of 25 minutes. Images were acquired continuously every 60 seconds for 25 minutes. Representative focal adhesion points are indicated by arrows. Scales bar indicates 20 μm.

PAWS1 controls cytoskeletal dynamics and cell migration through association with the SH3 adaptor CD2AP

Timothy D. Cummins, Kevin Z. L. Wu, Polyxeni Bozatzi, Kevin S. Dingwell, Thomas J. Macartney, Nicola T. Wood, Joby Varghese, Robert Gourlay, David G. Campbell, Alan Prescott, Eric Griffis, James C. Smith, and Gopal P. Sapkota

J Cell Sci 2018. 131:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.202390