Movie 2

A representative example is shown in which a laterally attached CEN showed detachment after coming into contact with an end-on attached CEN (associated with Figure 1D). The procedure of the experiment is explained in the legend for Figure 1D. Green shows the spindle, MTs and CEN on chromosome III while red shows CEN on chromosome XV. The interval of frames is 13 sec, and 5 frames are shown per second in the movie.

Mechanisms mitigating problems associated with multiple kinetochores on one microtubule in early mitosis

Zuojun Yue, Shinya Komoto, Marek Gierlinski, Debora Pasquali, Etsushi Kitamura, and Tomoyuki U. Tanaka

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:2266-2276; doi: 10.1242/jcs.203000