Movie S1

Representative movie of nuclear speckle stained with MALAT1 (red), U2 (green) and SC35 (blue). Movie is shown from the top to the bottom of the cell in z direction.

Quantitative analysis of multilayer organization of proteins and RNA in nuclear speckles at super resolution

Jingyi Fei, Mahdieh Jadaliha, Tyler S. Harmon, Isaac T. S. Li, Boyang Hua, Qinyu Hao, Alex S. Holehouse, Matthew Reyer, Qinyu Sun, Susan M. Freier, Rohit V. Pappu, Kannanganattu V. Prasanth, and Taekjip Ha

J Cell Sci 2017. 130:4180-4192; doi: 10.1242/jcs.206854