Movie S1

The location of the tight junction protein, ZO-1, in neural stem cells derived from human embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells were driven towards neural lineage, during which process neural stem cells appeared at 4-day differentiation and neural rosettes formed at 9 days of differentiation. Cells were fixed and stained with ZO-1 antibody (green) and DAPI (blue) at 5-day differentiation. The 3-D animation was generated from one of the Z-stack images taken from 5-day differentiation using Black Zen software (Zeiss). ZO-1 can be clearly seen locating at the tight junction in a group of neural stem cells. The directions of the X,Y, and Z axes are indicated on the bottom left.

Calcium signaling mediates five types of cell morphological changes to form neural rosettes

Hana Hříbková, Marta Grabiec, Dobromila Klemová, Iva Slaninová, and Yuh-Man Sun

J Cell Sci 2018. 131:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.206896