Movie S3

Maximum intensity projection time-lapse images of a ACA-YFP-24xMS2/MS2-RFP/aca- cell - Related to Figure 2.
An ACA-YFP-24xMS2/MS2-RFP/aca- cell migrating towards a cAMP source under agarose. Left: ACAYFP; Center: MS2-RFP; Right: Merge. Images were taken every 15 s and presented at 3 fps.

Adenylyl cyclase A mRNA localized at the back of cells is actively translated in live chemotaxing Dictyostelium

Weiye Wang, Song Chen, Satarupa Das, Wolfgang Losert, and Carole A. Parent

J Cell Sci 2018. 131:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.216176