Movie 4

Time sequence of dividing caulonemal cells expressing Sec6-GFP and mCherry-α-tubulin with silencing of MAP65a, b and c non-induced (control) and induced though the addition of β-estradiol.
During MAP65a, b and c silencing, the localization of exocyst subunit Sec6 to antiparallel microtubule overlaps becomes patchy. Time with respect to anaphase onset (t=0) is indicated in min:sec. Images are maximum z-projections of 3 confocal planes spaced 0.5 μm apart. Scalebar, 5 μm.

Exocyst subunit Sec6 is positioned by microtubule overlaps in the moss phragmoplast prior to cell plate membrane arrival

Han Tang, Jeroen de Keijzer, Elysa J. R. Overdijk, Els Sweep, Maikel Steentjes, Joop E. M. Vermeer, Marcel E. Janson, and Tijs Ketelaar

J Cell Sci 2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.222430