Movie 9

Sec5b-GFP cannot be detected on the spindle midzone before anaphase onset when using extended exposure times.
Single images of the median plane were collected using 3000 ms exposure times. Time with respect to anaphase onset (t=0) is indicated in min:sec. Scalebar, 10 μm.

Exocyst subunit Sec6 is positioned by microtubule overlaps in the moss phragmoplast prior to cell plate membrane arrival

Han Tang, Jeroen de Keijzer, Elysa J. R. Overdijk, Els Sweep, Maikel Steentjes, Joop E. M. Vermeer, Marcel E. Janson, and Tijs Ketelaar

J Cell Sci 2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.222430