3D model depicting potential sites for ArhGEF37 enrichment during late phase of CME. Clathrin (blue), filamentous actin (green), Dynamin (yellow), and ArhGEF37 (red) are shown.
Abhiyan Viplav, Tanumoy Saha, Jan Huertas, Philipp Selenschik, Mirsana P. Ebrahimkutty, David Grill, Julia Lehrich, Andreas Hentschel, Monika Biasizzo, Simone Mengoni, Robert Ahrends, Volker Gerke, Vlad Cojocaru, Jürgen Klingauf, and Milos Galic
J Cell Sci
2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.226530