Movie 6

Repeated speckle movements along similar path and fusions with same target speckle after DRB treatment.
Corresponds to Fig. 6B. The local region of interest is marked with box in movie. Correlative STED and SIM images of SON and DNA (DAPI) are shown in Fig. 6B following fixation and staining. Movie represents maximum intensity 2D projection of 3D image stack for each time point. Time(hr:min:sec) after DRB addition and scale bar are stamped on the movies.

Nuclear speckle fusion via long-range directional motion regulates speckle morphology after transcriptional inhibition

Jiah Kim, Kyu Young Han, Nimish Khanna, Taekjip Ha, and Andrew S. Belmont

J Cell Sci 2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.226563