Movie 1

Magnetic tweezers displaced paramagnetic beads in suspension. The ability of the magnetic tweezers system to generate magnetic force was tested by monitoring displacement of suspended superparamagnetic beads. Beads were recorded prior and after the application of unidirectional force (at 2 s).

β1 integrin is a sensor of blood flow direction

Ioannis Xanthis, Celine Souilhol, Jovana Serbanovic-Canic, Hannah Roddie, Antreas C. Kalli, Maria Fragiadaki, Raymond Wong, Dhruv R. Shah, Janet A. Askari, Lindsay Canham, Nasreen Akhtar, Shuang Feng, Victoria Ridger, Jonathan Waltho, Emmanuel Pinteaux, Martin J. Humphries, Matthew T. Bryan, and Paul C. Evans

J Cell Sci 2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.229542