Movie 1

Wild-type: Early Golgi cisternae were tagged with GFP-Vig4, and late Golgi cisternae were tagged with Sec7-DsRed. Live cell 4D movies were captured using Leica SP8 with optical z slice 0.3nm, zoom factor 7 and 100x magnification. The representative 4D movie was deconvoluted using Huygens Pro software, and Z projected using ImageJ. Scale bar 1μm. The time interval is in mm:: ss.

The golgin PpImh1 mediates reversible cisternal stacking in the Golgi of the budding yeast Pichia pastoris

Bhawik Kumar Jain, Roma Dahara, and Dibyendu Bhattacharyya

J Cell Sci 2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.230672