Tumor Cell Angiopellosis Extravasation. In vivo imaging of an injected fluorescently-labelled HeLa cervical cancer cell undergoing extravasation through angiopellosis. The HeLa cell (cyan) is lodged in the lumen of blood vessel (red), prompting vascular remodeling. The HeLa cell is removed from the blood vessel into surrounding tissue. 3D rendered version on right. SB = 20 μm
Tyler A. Allen, Dana Asad, Emmanuel Amu, M. Taylor Hensley, Jhon Cores, Adam Vandergriff, Junnan Tang, Phuong-Uyen Dinh, Deliang Shen, Li Qiao, Teng Su, Shiqi Hu, Hongxia Liang, Heather Shive, Erin Harrell, Connor Campbell, Xinxia Peng, Jeffrey A. Yoder, and Ke Cheng
J Cell Sci
2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.231563