Movie 2

Myo1 association with actin plumes is dynamic and long-lived.
Time series of images of mGFP-Myo1 in a single confocal section through the middle of live sla1Δ (left) and bbc1Δ sla1Δ (right) cells. Images were acquired at 1 frame per second and are displayed at the rate of 7 frames per second.

The S. pombe adaptor protein Bbc1 regulates localization of Wsp1 and Vrp1 during endocytic actin patch assembly

Cameron Dale MacQuarrie, MariaSanta C. Mangione, Robert Carroll, Michael James, Kathleen L. Gould, and Vladimir Sirotkin

J Cell Sci 2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.233502