pcMTs are associated with the cortical epiplasm. EM tomogram of a longitudinal view of the pcMTs, epiplasm, and BB. First Z series shows the tomogram without modeled structures. The Z series models the pcMTs (red), Epiplasm (white), and BB (green) onto the EM tomographic planes. The third Z series shows a 3-dimensional view of the modeled pcMTs, Epiplasm, and BB.
Anthony D. Junker, Adam W. J. Soh, Eileen T. O'Toole, Janet B. Meehl, Mayukh Guha, Mark Winey, Jerry E. Honts, Jacek Gaertig, and Chad G. Pearson
J Cell Sci
2019. 132:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.233726