Movie 3. Ezrin cleavage in the extending pseudopodia during phagocytosis

The movie, from which fig 8 was constructed, shows an enlarged view of a RAW 264.7 cell expressing both ezrin-GFPi and ezrin-mCherry extending pseudopodia to engulf an C3bi-opsonised zymosan particle. The sequence is pseudo-coloured, according the colour bar shown at the start of the sequence, and shows the dynamic changes in GFP/mCherry ratio during phagocytosis.

Ca2+-activated cleavage of ezrin visualised dynamically in living myeloid cells during cell surface area expansion

Rhiannon E. Roberts, Marianne Martin, Sabrina Marion, Geetha L. Elumalai, Kimberly Lewis, and Maurice B. Hallett

J Cell Sci 2020. 133:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.236968