Movie 1

Video illustrates the overall complexity of phagocytosis with live cell timelapse high-content microscopy imaging. Time-lapse video consists of 213 frames taken at 1.5 minute intervals over a duration of 5 hours and 21 minutes. Three channels, Phase contrast, TAMRA (TRITC), and CypHer5 (APC), were collected and merged. Time stamp (hr:min:sec) is shown. Mouse BMDC are labeled with TAMRA. CypHer5 -labeled target cells and anti-CD52 mAb are added at frame 8, which introduced a slight time delay and XY shift in position between frames 7 and 8. Individual frames 1 (0 min) and 40 (~60 min) are depicted in Fig1C.

High-resolution quantification of discrete phagocytic events by live cell time-lapse high-content microscopy imaging

Charles C. Chu, Jonathan J. Pinney, Hannah E. Whitehead, Fatima Rivera-Escalera, Karl R. VanDerMeid, Clive S. Zent, and Michael R. Elliott

J Cell Sci 2020. 133:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.237883