Movie 1

USP16 is predominantly cytoplasmic during cell cycle progression.
U2OS cells were transfected with GFP-USP16 constructs and sub-cellular localization of USP16 was determined during cell cycle progression. Live cells fluorescence images were taken by 2 min time lapse for about 20 hours with a 60x oil immersion objective.

A potent nuclear export mechanism imposes USP16 cytoplasmic localization during interphase

Nadine Sen Nkwe, Salima Daou, Maxime Uriarte, Jessica Gagnon, Nicholas Victor Iannantuono, Haithem Barbour, Helen Yu, Louis Masclef, Erlinda Fernández, Natalia Zamorano Cuervo, Nazar Mashtalir, Loïc Binan, Mikhail Sergeev, François Bélanger, Elliot Drobetsky, Eric Milot, Hugo Wurtele, Santiago Costantino, and El Bachir Affar

J Cell Sci 2020. 133:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.239236