Movie 3

ubi-DE-cad-GFP and sqh-Sqh-mCherry dynamics across syncytial cycles in XY surface and orthogonal planes
DE-cad increases and Sqh-mCherry decreases on the membrane within each syncytial cycle from interphase to metaphase. The movie spans NC10-13 showing living embryos expressing DE-cad-GFP with ubiquitin promoter and Sqh-mCherry with sqh promoter. The central view is the surface XY plane while the top and right panels show the orthogonal views along YZ and XZ orientation respectively. Scale Bar = 5 μm. The images are shown in a multicolor scale on an 8-Bit image with increasing intensity represented in the order of Blue, green, yellow and red.

J Cell Sci ; doi: 10.1242/jcs.240168