Movie 1

Cardiomyocyte differentiation of WT and LmnA-/- human ES cells.
Wild-type (top) H1 human embryonic stem cells, and LmnA-/- knockout (bottom) cells derived from the same line, are shown after 13 days (left) or 17 days (right) of treatment with KY02111 (see reference in Minami et al., 2012). Loss of Lamin A does not impede any aspect of this in vitro differentiation.

Sequential peripheral enrichment of H2A.Zac and H3K9me2 during trophoblast differentiation in human embryonic stem cells

Georgia Rose Kafer, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Regina Rillo-Bohn, Eiko Shimizu, Kouichi Hasegawa, and Peter M. Carlton

J Cell Sci 2020. 133:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.245282