Movie 5.

Video of maximum intensity z-stack projections of from time-lapse confocal imaging of HET oocytes expressing securin-EGFP (green), histone-H2B-mCherry (red, chromosomes) and stained with SiR-tubulin (cyan, microtubules). Time (hh:mm) is relative to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). The bar corresponds to 20 μm.

CDC25B is required for the metaphase I-metaphase II transition in mouse oocytes

Ivana Ferencova, Michaela Vaskovicova, David Drutovic, Lucie Knoblochova, Libor Macurek, Richard M. Schultz, and Petr Solc

J Cell Sci 2022. 135:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.252924