Movie 7

FIB SEM reconstruction of Mtb WT partially enwrapped in an LC3B positive membrane. 3D reconstruction of FIB SEM images obtained for ROI2 in figure 4. The limiting membrane of the bacteria (red), LC3 positive vacuole (green), LC3 positive membrane around Mtb (cyan) and a lipid droplet (magenta) were manually segmented. Where the presence of a membrane was ambiguous a gap was left. Presented at 15 frames per second. Stills from this video are presented in figure 5.

M. tuberculosis infection of human iPSC-derived macrophages reveals complex membrane dynamics during xenophagy evasion

Elliott M. Bernard, Antony Fearns, Claudio Bussi, Pierre Santucci, Christopher J. Peddie, Rachel J. Lai, Lucy M. Collinson, and Maximiliano G. Gutierrez

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.252973