HeLa cells transfected with mCh-Rab5 and EGFP-Rab7a. This is deconvolved maximum projection of 3 confocal planes per timepoint with a stepsize of 0.32 ..m distance. The movie demonstrates mCh-Rab5 convergence maturation together with an EGFP-Rab7a recruitment during the Rab5-Rab7 transition. Fig. 4B movie.
Frode Miltzow Skjeldal, Linda Hofstad Haugen, Duarte Mateus, Dominik M. Frei, Anna Vik Rødseth, Xian Hu, and Oddmund Bakke
J Cell Sci
2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.254185