This movie shows the recruitment of EGFP-Rab7a to the maturing endosome by vesicular interactions. mCh-Rab5 signal has been subtracted from EGFP-Rab7 signal to remove any overlapping signal on the hybrid endosome. By this method we can better visualize the contribution of the EGFP-Rab7a interacting vesicles (in white) compared to the original EGFP-Rab7a signal (in green). Fig. 4C movie.
Frode Miltzow Skjeldal, Linda Hofstad Haugen, Duarte Mateus, Dominik M. Frei, Anna Vik Rødseth, Xian Hu, and Oddmund Bakke
J Cell Sci
2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.254185