Movie 1.

3D reconstruction of apical surfaces of MDCK cysts. Six-day old MDCK cysts were induced with doxycycline at day 3 were fixed and stained with ZO-1 (red) and gp135 (white) and whole cysts were imaged with confocal microscope. 3D projection was constructed from all the confocal slices and depicted as 360° view. GFP fluorescence associated with EREG is excluded from the reconstructed images to highlight the underlying apical surfaces.

Induction of apically mistrafficked epiregulin disrupts epithelial polarity via aberrant EGFR signaling

Bhuminder Singh, Galina Bogatcheva, Evan Krystofiak, Eliot T. McKinley, Salisha Hill, Kristie Lindsey Rose, James N. Higginbotham, and Robert J. Coffey

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.255927