Movie 1.

Confocal sections of MII spindles in control WT and Tg (PCNT-depleted) oocytes. Z-stacks were imaged at 0.5μm intervals with a 40x oil objective and 6x digital zoom. Ovulated MII oocytes collected from WT and Tg mice were fixed after a 4h culture in media alone, then immunolabeled to detect TACC3 (green), PCNT (red) at aMTOCs, and the chromosomes (blue, DAPI).

Loss of acentriolar MTOCs disrupts spindle pole Aurora A and assembly of the liquid-like meiotic spindle domain in oocytes

Xiaotian Wang, Claudia Baumann, Rabindranath De La Fuente, and Maria M. Viveiros

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.256297