Movie 4.

Confocal sections of MII spindles in WT and Tg (PCNT-depleted) oocytes following AURKA inhibition. Z-stacks were imaged at 0.5μm intervals with a 40x oil objective and 6x digital zoom. Ovulated MII oocytes from WT and Tg mice were fixed after a 4h culture in media supplemented with MLN8237 (500nM) to inhibit AURKA, then immunolabeled to detect TACC3 (green), PCNT (red) at aMTOCs, and the chromosomes (blue, DAPI).

Loss of acentriolar MTOCs disrupts spindle pole Aurora A and assembly of the liquid-like meiotic spindle domain in oocytes

Xiaotian Wang, Claudia Baumann, Rabindranath De La Fuente, and Maria M. Viveiros

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.256297