Movie 4

The doubling of cell size does not affect hexagonal arrangement of multi-aster patterns for a constant number of asters, if astral MT lengths (LMT) are linearly scaled to maintain the optimal circle packing fraction (ϕ). Simulations where ϕ is constant 1.6 while cell size doubles, are depicted for (left to right:) cell radius: 8, 15 and 30 μm with the corresponding LMT: 2.13, 4.25 and 8.5 μm, respectively. Here, NA = 20, density of kinesin complexes: 10 motors/μm2 and total simulation time: 600 s. These videos correspond to Figure 6E.

Self-organized optimal packing of kinesin-5-driven microtubule asters scales with cell size

Neha Khetan, Gérard Pruliere, Celine Hebras, Janet Chenevert, and Chaitanya A. Athale

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.257543