Movie 1.

Live cell imaging of J14.SY cells plated on anti-CD3 coated glass wells. Wild-type J14.SY cells were stimulated on anti-CD3 coated glass substrates. SLP-76.YFP was imaged every 2 seconds for 150 frames (5 min). Movies play at 0.06 s frame-1, yielding a 33.3x compression rate. Scale bar is 5 μm.

LFA-1 and kindlin-3 enable the collaborative transport of SLP-76 microclusters by myosin and dynein motors

Keith P. Eidell, Alenka Lovy, Nicholas R. Sylvain, Frank A. Scangarello, Hayley I. Muendlein, Michael J. Ophir, Ken Nguyen, Maria-Cristina Seminario, and Stephen C. Bunnell

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.258602