Movie 4.

Inheritance of peroxisomes and mitochondria in hydroxyurea-treated cells Maximum intensity projection movie from 3D time lapse epifluorescence imaging of a cell endogenously expressing a Pex3-GFP peroxisome marker (green) and a Cit1-mCherry mitochondrial marker (magenta), treated with hydroxyurea to prevent S-phase completion. The cell outline from bright field imaging is in gray. The movie is 23 frames long with 2 minute separating each frame, played back at 15 frames per second.

A preferred sequence for organelle inheritance during polarized cell growth

Kathryn W. Li, Michelle S. Lu, Yuichiro Iwamoto, David G. Drubin, and Ross T. A. Pedersen

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.258856