Movie 2.

A typical TIRF recording from hR1 endo cells co-transfected with KCREB and mCherry plasmid. Video showing 3 s prior to photolysis of caged ciIP3 and the following 40 s of activity in Cal520-loaded hR1 endo cells, related to Fig. 7. Photolysis was accomplished by exposure from a 405 nm laser for 1 s (indicated by an asterisk). An image acquired from the same field of view using a 561 nm laser to optically identify mCherry positive cells is also shown.

CREB regulates the expression of type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors

Vikas Arige, Lara E. Terry, Sundeep Malik, Taylor R. Knebel, Larry E. Wagner II, and David I. Yule

J Cell Sci 2021. 134:None-None; doi: 10.1242/jcs.258875